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The last of my babies is growing up

Lisa Sygutek

Dec 6, 2023

I’m trying to enjoy every second of my lasts with Quinn, from Christmas as a teenager to all the experiences that come from being a grade 12 student gearing up for gradation.

The last of my babies is growing up. Quinn, the precocious, often naughty little boy that gave me grey hairs growing up is turning into a magnificent man.

He’s thoughtful, kind, brilliant, and sometimes if I force him, a typical teenager. Quinn would rather stay home studying then go out to parties.

He doesn’t party and he rarely causes me any issues. Often, I feel like I’m the mom, forcing him out of the house to go to a high school party. Those of you close to my age will remember that scene from the movie Sixteen Candles where the parents force their son to go to the high school dance. I swear, that’s me!

I’m trying to enjoy every second of my lasts with Quinn, from Christmas as a teenager to all the experiences that come from being a grade 12 student gearing up for gradation. The best part about this journey is that he’s allowed me to be a part of it. He’s not embarrassed to hang around with me, do things with me, and have his friends over to the house with me. He thinks I’m the greatest mom around.

On Monday night I was able to help him deliver meals for the graduating class’ ‘Seniors Supper’. I’ve done this with all three of my boys as well as Darbie, who was Aiden’s girlfriend in high school.

It amazes me every time what small businesses do in our community for our graduates.

This year Chris’ Restaurant made and packed 412 meals and the kids delivered them throughout the community. It’s one of the main fundraisers for the graduating class.

I asked Lisa and Chris how long they have been doing this for the community and our grads. She responded over twenty-five years. She got up at 4:30 in the morning to start cooking for the event. She secured food donations from her distributors to cut the cost for the grads. She had seven employees helping. They worked all day for no profit. How many businesses would do this for anyone? Yet time and time again Chris’ Restaurant came to the table.

We talk about community spirit and pride and how often do we do something altruistic. We talk about affordable housing, we talk about helping people, but how often do we just do it!

Chris’ does it. When I asked Lisa if they would be a distributor of gift certificates for our ‘Mrs. Claus’ Dinner Out’ project she not only said yes, but offered to donate certificates.

This year’s ‘Senior Supper’, which was delivered to each home, with only the expectation of a voluntary donation from those receiving meals, raised $6,800.

I am proud to live in the Crowsnest Pass. I am proud of how our community comes together. I am proud of our history, and I am often reminded when I see altruistic acts like this why I chose this place as my home. It’s teaching my children values by the very acts of service they see on a regular basis.

Quinn signed us up to spearhead the ‘Grad Bottle Drive’ fundraiser. We are collecting bottles for the month of January, with a mass pick up slated for January 6, 2024. Please keep your bottles and we will pick them up.

We have a bin at Pass Beverages so if you have bottles you want to donate throughout the month, please consider donating to the graduating class whenever you take your bottles in.

I love that these grads are working hard to fundraise for their special event. When you must work for something, I believe you appreciate it more.

If you have bottles you would like picked up, please contact me at or call at 403-563-8814 and one of the graduates will pick them up at your home, not just on January 6th but throughout the month of January.

My heart is so full after last night. Watching the last of my boys grow up is bittersweet but man am I proud even as a tear slides down my face.

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