Celebrating the Epiphany in Ukraine

Priest offers special prayers and blesses the water. Iryna Oleksiivna photo.
By: Iryna Oleksiivna - Pass Herald Feature Writer
January 29, 2025
When the New Year and Christmas holidays are over, it’s no reason to be sad. After all, we are saying goodbye to winter and preparing to welcome spring. As children, my sister and I looked forward to the day when we could take the New Year’s decorations off the tree. Our mother not only decorated the tree with ornaments but also tied delicious chocolates in bright wrappers to the branches. We couldn’t wait to pick them as soon as possible because, at that time, our stores didn’t have nearly as many different sweets as they do now. We were so happy to have the opportunity to gather these treats, and I remember how we joyfully ran around the room holding them, as it didn’t take much to bring us joy.
Soon after that, our father would take the tree out of the house, and our mother would clean up all the needles from the furniture. These are wonderful, warm memories, and much time has passed, but I believe we can collect a whole ocean of these happy moments, drop by drop, and swim in them even during the most difficult times in our lives.
I would like to share with you another winter holiday that we in Ukraine love and respect very much. This holiday is called Epiphany, and it is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, originally celebrated in honour of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.
The Gospel says that when Jesus was thirty years old, he came to John the Baptist with a request to baptize him. During the baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon him to give him the ability to fulfill God’s plan and bring salvation to people. Jesus was completely sinless, and having performed the rite of baptism, he took upon himself the sins of all people. He showed that he wanted to follow the path that the Lord had determined for him, to the end.
An interesting fact is that until the 4th century, the birth of Christ and his baptism were remembered on the same day, and the holiday was called Epiphany. Around the end of the 4th century, baptism became a separate holiday. Ever since the Great Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity in 988, the Baptism of the Lord has become an integral part of Ukrainian culture, a symbol of renewal, purification, and rethinking of life.
In Ukraine, this holiday was celebrated on January 19 until 2023, after which the Church decided to celebrate holidays according to the New Julian calendar. So this year, Epiphany was celebrated on January 6. Most people continue to celebrate Epiphany the old way, as it is believed that on this day real miracles happen. People believe that on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, all water in reservoirs and even tap water becomes healing, and that it can heal us from diseases of the body and soul. Therefore, on this day, ordinary water is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, and a prayer is recited. In the prayer, you can ask the Lord for your deepest desires, and they will definitely come true.
On the day of Epiphany, in all regions of the country, people visit the church and pray to Jesus for health, peace, and a good harvest. During the service, the priest says special prayers and blesses the water in a large vat or container within the church. A special ritual is performed: the priest says a prayer, then immerses his large cross in the water. After this, everyone can drink this blessed water and take a small amount with them. It is said that if you add water brought from the church to ordinary water, it will transfer all its spiritual properties to it. People usually keep this water until the next year, and surprisingly, it is perfectly preserved, without any unpleasant smell or taste. Some claim that the reason for the long preservation and benefit of the water is the cross that the priest immersed in it. They say the cross is made of pure silver, and this metal affects harmful microorganisms.
During the year, this water is drunk when people get sick or go through a difficult period in life. People believe that holy water helps them cope with any illness and gives spiritual strength to fight life’s trials. They also spray their homes with it, protecting them from everything bad.
There is also a very interesting ritual that takes place on this holiday near bodies of water. People choose a beautiful spot near a river or lake and decorate it with fir branches. If the water is covered with ice, the ice is broken, and a space for swimming is made in the shape of a large cross. Believers invite a priest to perform the ritual of blessing the water, read special prayers, and after that, everyone can plunge into the icy font.
This must be done correctly, and under no circumstances should you drink alcohol before swimming. It is better to go to church, confess, and take communion first. You should go into the icy water as quickly as possible. It is customary to cross yourself and plunge into the water three times with your head, then get out, dry yourself with a towel, and quickly get dressed while your body retains its heat. From the church’s point of view, swimming in an ice hole is more of a folk tradition than a church one, and not everyone has to do it. But those who truly believe in the healing effect of this bathing will be rewarded with good health for the whole next year.
There are usually many people on the shore of the reservoir. These could be friends or relatives of those swimming, or just passersby. People are happy to take pictures, and there’s a cheerful, festive atmosphere. Nowadays, city authorities often contribute to this festive event by setting up warming points for people, where they can drink hot tea and have a snack. We had such points in my city of Kyiv, and there was also an ambulance present. Among the swimmers, you could also meet children, who were always under the supervision of adults. Following their example is a personal choice; everything should be according to one’s desire and faith.
I recall a funny story about my son when he was fifteen years old. On the festive day of Epiphany, he and I went to church with friends for a service. Afterward, we decided to go down to the river and watch these brave people swimming in the icy water. I jokingly asked my son if he would like to try swimming with them. He answered that he definitely wouldn’t, as it was cold outside, quite frosty, and windy. Despite this, many people gathered near the river. Among them, my son spotted a classmate who greeted him, then took off her clothes and, wearing only a swimsuit, quickly ran to the water. This “little mermaid” waved her hand (or tail) to my son, inviting him to follow her. My son, not thinking about anything, quickly undressed and also dove in.
I didn’t even have time to say anything, as it was so unexpected. Fortunately, our friends had brought a lot of towels and warm clothes. None of them got sick that year, and the kids had good memories of this ice-water trial for many years after.
There are also several prohibitions on this great Christian holiday. On this day, you should not do heavy work around the house or do needlework. I remember my grandmother wouldn’t allow us to cut anything with scissors, as she said it was a sin. You also cannot quarrel, complain, or judge others. You should not do bad things or think about bad things, and it is undesirable to drink alcohol on these holidays.
On the feast of Epiphany, you should make peace with those with whom you’ve quarreled, forgive offences, and help others. There is a belief that by doing good deeds on this day, you can attract goodness to yourself. People have accepted and loved these traditions and try to preserve them from year to year. Perhaps one day, here in Crowsnest Pass, people will also want to test the power of magic water.
On the day of Epiphany, you can swim in one of the beautiful local lakes, or you can choose a gentler way, with friends or family, to visit a regular pool. In any case, the main thing is interaction with water, as an integral part of nature, and the belief that it will wash away all our sorrows and worries and give us new strength.
I want to wish everyone good health and warmth in any weather, and may there be more pleasant moments and bright impressions in your life.