Brochure for the upcoming studio tour hosted by the CNP Allied arts and the Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery. (Art Gallery photo)
Nicholas L. M. Allen
Jul 26, 2023
Artists will be opening their private studios or heading to the Art Gallery during the Doors Open Festival.
The Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery will be hosting a studio tour during the Doors Open Festival on August 5 from 1 to 5 p.m.
Artists will be opening their private studios or gathering at the Gallery, to share, show and sell their art. It will be a self-directed tour on foot, bike, or by car. The gallery asks residents to join them for a glimpse into the working studio.
The gallery put a call out on social media and to their membership in preparation for the event, hosting artists from around the Crowsnest Pass.
“We focused on Crowsnest Pass artists, as this tour is part of Doors Open and Heritage Festival,” said Krisztina Wood, the managing director/curator of the Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery.
The Artist’s Studio Tour is a recurring event, but not an annual one. They were asked by the Doors Open and Heritage Festival to host again and the art gallery agreed to put the event on.
“We liaise with local artists, and this is just another opportunity for them to show off their talents,” said Wood, “A lot of participating artists have their art showcased in our Gallery Gift Shop, and we appreciate their support by joining our tour.”
The event helps put the gallery on the map according to Wood, who said she is “super excited” to be involved with the tour.
“It gives me an incentive to work on something new. I have been an artist all my life, but a full-time job leaves me very little time in my studio,” said Wood, “Events like this give me a push to prioritize artmaking for a few weeks.”
She said the tour also serves as a good reminder that life with art in it is “way more fun” to experience. She will also be showcasing some of her own work at the studio for the tour, with the brochure adding, “Her works are inspired by the stories she reads, the music she plays, and her surroundings.”
Wood also explained how having new artists join the tour is always exciting and she is looking forward to connecting with the artists and local residents of the Pass.
“It’s fun to be a part of it myself,” added Wood.
The full brochure with locations and artists participating in the studio tour is available on crowsnestpasspublicartgallery.com, with detailed information on each artist featured.